There should be a bumper year
of strawberries at The Old Vicarage this year. Unlike last year, there has been more than
enough rain, I've managed to organise the runners I saved into sensible rows, I’ve
netted them, and laid the strawberry trusses onto straw. All we need now is
some sunshine to ripen them. That’s if there are any left to ripen of course, because they are disappearing fast! And the
culprit for this, for once is not the chickens, or the dogs, or opportunist
blackbirds or even the numerous jackdaws, but squirrels. Every time I walk down to the kitchen garden I see three
squirrels. Every single time. And every time they are either eating a huge
unripe strawberry, or flying back to their tree house with the biggest one they
can carry stuffed hard into their mouths. And the awful thing is, I don’t mind.
I don’t think they are very old. It’s almost as though they’ve just worked out the
whole business of survival. And while I
see them all the time, they are really hard to photograph, but after HOURS of
trying, here are a few pictures, and although my friends tell me there are no red
squirrels on the mainland south of Northumberland, to the untrained eye, these are the reddest grey squirrels I’ve
ever seen. Hmmm what do you think??
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This little one is very grey, and very
cute, but there go the strawberries.....
Just gorgeous! Thank you, the hours were not wasted!